President of Somaliland Visits Abaarso School: November 2019
The President of Somaliland, Muse Bihi, paid an unexpected visit to Abaarso. Our new Head of School, Trudy Hall, former Head of School James Linville and Farhan Elmi, an alumnus and current Physics teacher at Abaarso, all gave the President a tour around the academic buildings on campus.
The president met with school administrators, where he asked about the curriculum and the day to day activities that occur on campus. He also observed classes, took part in a debate the students were having in the Somali class and had several conversations with teachers and students in the classrooms. Before the end of his visit to campus; the 7th-grade students formed a tunnel for him and sang the national anthem of Somaliland. He enjoyed their singing so much he started singing along with them! He was wonderful with our students, and they, in turn, gave him a rock-star welcome, complete with all manner of cheering and selfies. It was the best sort of a surprise in the middle of the day.
During his visit, he expressed his steadfast support for Abaarso and what it does for the youth of Somaliland. Although this was the first time the president visited the Abaarso campus, he has previously shown his support for the school in many ways like inviting Abaarso administrators to meetings and celebrating the successes of students accepted to schools and colleges abroad.
Muse Bihi was elected as the 5th President of Somaliland in November 2017. Before he was elected as the president; he was a member of the Somali National Movement during the civil war, cabinet member of President Egal’s government, and chairman of the political party Kulmiye.
We were all thrilled about his visit and the support he has shown throughout his tenure as the President of Somaliland.